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Leora Goldberg Optimalbody Studio is a contemporary multidisciplinary wellness studio offering personal training, combining pilates, bar method, Yamuna Body Rolling and gyrokenesis method.


Barre method (Lotte Berk)

A bar based workout - fun and safe. Body reshaping series of excercises in a one hour barre class. The class combines ballet moves with core conditioning, stretching and weights. Burns fat, tones medial muscle groups.


Pilates Tower

Floor based pilates series of excercises. Using springs for legs and arms, pushup bar and pilates barrel. Creates length, core strength, spine mobility. Improves joint mobility and posture.


Yamuna Body Rolling

Using small balls in one hour class to remove aches and pains caused by stress and injury. This practice teaches you how to massage muscles and realign bones, contributing to overall wellness and feels awesome.

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